Reminiscing The City of 100 Spires

I find it fairly easy to make a space my own. I pin my pictures, display my jewelry, fold away my clothes and hang up my favorite pieces. The warmth of being under a comforter, nuzzled up against the side of the bed feels the same in most places. So it confused me when my first two weeks here weren’t consumed in such a comfort – they felt foreign.

Japanese Cats & Tofu

Ana, the chef at Pho C&A, takes great pride in the fresh food she makes and even greater pride in her customers. She learned Czech to communicate with diners and make them feel more comfortable, more at home, in her family’s restaurant. 

Faces of the Czech Election

ONE: Emma - "The Roommate" My roommate barges into the room. The wooden white French doors of our bedroom bang against the wall with a strange humanlike enthusiasm that seems to match hers. A dinner plate in one hand, her massive computer held carefully between her fingers in the other. Her slightly burnt slice of... Continue Reading →

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